The Ultimate Golf Fitness Guide: Gain Distance, Mobility & Strength

Happy Monday,

Thanks to Mark, Doug, Anthony, Lisa, John & Lee for last week’s comments. Glad you enjoyed it, and as requested, I’ll line up a guest for a breaking 80 & 70 version of the show I recorded with Ian Taylor.

This Week

Golf Fitness: I sat down with golf fitness expert Shaun Dyckhoff to break down how golfers should really train for better performance.

Weekly Skills Game: Make your range sessions match the golf course (with no tech).

Tip of the Week: A quick, actionable advice to apply to your game.

Quick Video: The REAL Lesson From The 10,000 Hours Rule


The Ultimate Golf Fitness Guide: Gain Distance, Mobility & Strength

Golf fitness isn’t just about lifting weights—it’s about moving better, feeling stronger, and swinging faster.

In this episode, I chat with Shaun Dyckhoff about the key mistakes golfers make in their training and how to fix them.

📢 Listen to the Full Episode:
🎧 YouTube: Watch here
🎧 Apple Podcasts: Listen here
🎧 Spotify: Listen here

🏌️‍♂️ Rapid-Fire Takeaways:

✅ Your body is the most important club in your bag. Stop ignoring your fitness—better movement leads to better golf.

 ✅ Mobility before mechanics. If you can’t rotate well, your swing will always have compensations. Improve your hips, thoracic spine, and shoulders first.

✅ Speed training works—when timed right. Jumping into speed sticks without a strength base leads to injury or plateaus. First, build the strength to produce force, then convert it into speed.

  Speed training isn’t just swinging harder. Proper structure, rest, and progression matter—don’t just rip speed sticks without a plan!

 ✅ Strength leads to speed. If you’ve plateaued in distance, it’s not just technique—you might need to build more strength first.

✅ Play better, not just longer. Training your body allows you to swing pain-free, hit it further, and play multiple days in a row without feeling wrecked.

⛳️ A Challenge for Your Next Round

🔹 Struggle with consistency? Take 5 minutes before your round to do a proper warm-up: Shaun recommends three moves—hip mobility, thoracic rotations, and shoulder stretches. See how it impacts your swing.

🔹 Is fatigue an issue? Track your last 5 holes. Did fatigue affect your swing? Were you still hitting fairways and greens, or did mistakes creep in? If your performance drops late in the round, your fitness may be a limiting factor.

🚀 Bonus Thought: Are You Training or Just Exercising?

There’s a difference. Exercising is showing up at the gym and doing random workouts. Training is following a structured plan designed for long-term gains. Golfers who train with a purpose—see better results, faster.

And with that in mind, let’s move on to Break X Golf.

Break X Golf – Weekly Skills Game

This range challenge is one of the first I developed as a university golf coach. It helps make your range sessions measurable and fun and ensures you practice the most important parts of your long game.

Below is Level 1, the Break X Golf app automatically unlocks harder levels as you progress.

For personalised practice plans and over 140 skills games, check out Break X Golf.

Break X Golf is a sister project to Golf Insider and was co-founded by Will Shaw.

The REAL Lesson From The 10,000 Hours Rule

Happy golfing – The Golf Insider Team

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